
Nature sounds are our business. At Wildtones, stream relaxing sounds of nature with bird calls, thunderstorms, tranquil streams, spring peepers and deep forest sounds as soothing background sounds, white noise, for meditation and sleep. Travel the natural world with streaming and ambient nature sounds from rainforests to savannahs to create a calming atmosphere. You can also find over 100 of the best bird song, wild animal call and nature ringtones, alerts and alarms for your iPhone and Android.  Search our extensive catalogue to find your favorite bird and animal calls for the perfect stand-out ringtone, cool alert or message sound, and wake up to alarm sounds from nature to start your day in a better place.

iPhone Ringtones See all

For iPhone ringtones, shop our catalog from your iPhone or iPad as we link directly to the tone in iTunes.  Pre-formatted iPhone ringtones are only available for purchase through iTunes and while using your iPhone.  If viewing from a computer, choose the ringtones you want, then visit our site from your iPhone to buy and download. Our iPhone Ringtones are pre-formatted to automatically appear in your iPhone’s “Sounds” folder to be assigned as ringtones, alerts or alarms.

Common Goldeneye Duck Call iPhone Ringtone
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This striking diving duck is commonly found throughout North America, in northern Russia and Scandinavia. Easily identifiable with a greenish-black head and white spot on the cheek, adult Common Goldeneye males have stunning yellow eyes from which they derive their name. Females have a brown head but the same golden eyes. Goldeneye chicks have greyish-brown eyes when they are born, go through a purple and blue phase, and then their eyes reach this beautiful golden color at full maturity. Look for them breeding in the taiga in summer in Canada, and throughout the lower 48 states on open water in winter. They are cavity nesters and will nest in trees as well as nest boxes. After a few days in the nest cavity, the chicks are led to the water by their mother where they often join creches of other Goldeneye chicks.
Donkey Braying iPhone Ringtone
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One of the best ways to tell the difference between donkeys and horses are by their ears - donkeys are the ones with the really big ears. For thousands of years, Donkeys have been kept and used by people for a lot of things. But, unlike horses, donkeys seem to have their own minds and prefer to so what is best for the donkey. Sometimes, this is not what the human wants, and so there is often a standoff. Donkeys are also great guard animals and, will develop a strong bond with them so that one donkey can protect an entire herd of sheep or goats on his own. Donkeys are also terrific companion animals to other animals. Since they are very friendly, they will encourage the animals they are with to be the same. Young foals (baby horses) are sometimes given a donkey as a companion to make it easier for them when they are separated from their mother. This is good for the donkey, too, who like us, really needs friendship. Get this friendly donkey ringtone for you iPhone.  
Ring-necked Pheasant Call iPhone Ringtone
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It's hard to believe that this bird is not native to North America and Europe, but they were introduced from Asia as game for hunting and it is believed thy were brought to the UK as early as the 11th C. Known in Europe as the Common Pheasant, their numbers are declining as they nest on the ground in deep field cover and their nests are often destroyed by farming. As a result, many populations of these pheasants are artificially maintained by captive introductions. During the breeding season, the males have a harem which they defend from other males - sometimes in pitched battles.
Brown-headed Cowbird Bird Call iPhone Ringtone
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Bull Elk Call iPhone Ringtone
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Rooster Crowing iPhone Ringtone
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Nothing like a rooster ringtone to wake up the neighbors. In free-roaming flocks, he's the one who guards the hens and oversees the complex social relationships of the flock. Clearly something to crow about!

Android Ringtones See all

For Android and other smartphones, you can shop directly from our website, from your mobile phone or from a computer or other device to buy and  download our bird and animal call tracks.  The link will take you to one of our nature sounds albums, and you can purchase the sound track you want from the list.  We recommend getting a free app, like Ringtone Creator, which will do the work for you to create the ringtone, alert or alarm, and put it on your phone. 

Bull Frogs
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Peregrine Falcon
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Peregrines are astonishing birds who can reach speeds of up to 69 mph flying in pursuit of prey and over 200 mph when in a "stoop" or dive. Unlike other hawks, Peregrines don't grab their prey with their talons, but hit them with enormous force, knocking them unconscious and easier to grab. The word "peregrine" means "wanderer" and this sleek, dark raptor has one of the longest migrations of any bird of prey. They are one of the most widespread bird species in the world, and their adaptability to life in cities has enabled them to come back from the brink of extinction. They can be found on almost every continent.
Spring Peepers
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Spring Peepers are small, brownish frogs with a mark on their backs that resembles a cross. They can be found far north, where they hibernate through freezing temperatures in the winter.
Pied-billed Grebe
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Coopers Hawk
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Cooper’s Hawks are hawks of the forest and are extremely agile predators.  They are members of the genus Accipiter, sharing that genus with two other hawks  -- Northern Goshawk and Sharp-shinned Hawk. Nests of Cooper’s Hawks will often be found in pine trees.  Built of sticks mainly by the male, they are a bit over two feet across with a depression in the middle for up to six eggs and chicks, and often lined with bark. Now of low concern, this is a big change from 50+ years ago when their population, like that of many other raptors, was hit very hard by hunting and the use of DDT. Homeowners with bird feeders may notice their feeders  become a birdy buffet for the birds that like to eat feeder birds. Cooper’s Hawks have learned to hang out near bird feeders and pick off the birds that show up to dine. It is important to place bird feeders near cover, such as a bush or hedge, so that the birds at your feeder have a place to escape and hide from this quick and agile predator.
Brown Thrasher Bird Call and Song
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