Free Access: BirdLife’s Spectacle of Migration Issue

Migrating Shorebirds; Photo Credit: Deborah Rivel

Bird migration is one of nature’s most awe-inspiring phenomena. Across eight major global flyways, birds navigate diverse terrains, face unique challenges, and cover vast distances. Many of the birds we see during nesting season spend the majority of their time migrating or overwintering in distant places. But we can help them locally when they are with us by being a catalyst to help others understand how important birds are and what their lives are like.

Birds connect us, and BirdLife International’s magazine offers an unparalleled depth of insight, showcasing the work of its 123 partners across 116 countries. For a limited time, you can access the Migration issue for free online. It’s packed with detailed information on each flyway and has loads of stories about species of birds near and far and the creative work being done to help them. Don’t miss this chance to explore the complexities of global migration in a single issue, and see the progress being made on the ground around the world. Click here to access it now!