House Finch Bird Call and Song
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Originally a native of the American Southwest, wild caught House Finches were caged and illegally sold as "Hollywood Finches" to the early 20th Century pet trade. When a few were set loose in the East in the early 1940's, they did extremely well. And now the lovely song of this little "exotic species" is one of the harbingers of Springtime throughout the US. Recognized by his bright red head and irrepressible desire to sing during breeding season, the highly adaptable House Finch is now found on feeders and in urban areas around the country.
Song Sparrow Bird Call and Song
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Found in backyards across the US and Canada, this songbird has a delightful and unique song. This mostly monogamous sparrow has a mating ritual where the male pounces near the female to get her attention. While they can live to over 11 years, most wild sparrows do not see even their first birthday. But, those song sparrows who do live through the winter, continue to delight us year after year with their beautiful songs. Capture the song sparrow's tune as a ringtone for your cellphone.
White-throated Sparrow Bird Call and Song
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Some people think this bird is singing Oh Sweet Canada, Canada, Canada which is where they breed almost exclusively. This is a familiar singing sparrow whose white throat and yellow patches in front of his eyes are his distinguishing features.
American Goldfinch
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Chimney Swift
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