BirdCams Now

Puffin and Puffling; Photo Credit: Audubon Puffin Burrow,


Lots of updates and some new chicks!

  • Atlantic Puffin – Seal Island, Maine – Check out this adorable Puffling!
  • Northern Royal Albatross – New Zealand – the chick who hatched on January 30 is hanging out waiting for mom or dad to come back from days of fishing for a meal.
  • West End Bald Eagles – Catalina, CA – Three eaglets at this cliff nest – Koa, Treasure and Sterling, all fledged by June 9!
  • Osprey – Charlo, Montana – Two chicks nearly ready to fledge, but now only one remains after the other fell from the platform nest.
  • Bald Eagles – Decorah, Iowa – Both eaglets fledged in mid-June a couple of days before the nest collapsed.
  • Long-eared Owl – Missoula, MT – All five Long-eared Owl chicks branched, were banded and fledged.
  • Panama Fruit Feeder – Panama Canopy Lodge – Never a dull moment at this terrific feeder!
  • Lesser Flamingos – Kampfers Dam, South Africa – Check out the Lesser Flamingos on their breeding ground and lots of other waders and birds at this globally important biodiversity area.