Invite Tree Swallows to Nest in Your Yard

Tree Swallows are stunning iridescent-blue, fast-flying insectivores with bright white underparts. They are a delight to have around with their happy liquid calls resonating as they fly, and it’s a joy to watch them whisk through the air hawking for insects. In fall they migrate in enormous flocks numbering in the thousands. Even with gatherings like these, they are declining in much of North America, as they generally rely on woodpeckers to excavate and then abandon a nest hole – not as commonplace an event as in the past. Especially in areas where there are few trees or woodpeckers, these birds could benefit from a nestbox. If you live near the shore, marsh, lake, or grassland, you may have Tree Swallows in your area that would love to have a nest box.

View more info on these birds from Cornell NestWatch, and download the nestbox plans.



Tree Swallow; Photo Credit: Deborah Rivel