Water is often the main attraction in the summer as temperatures rise and birds become both thirsty and overheated. In hot weather, fresh water helps birds keep hydrated, keep their body temperature down and keeps their feathers in optimum condition. Often clean, safe-to-visit water isn’t readily available, so Many of the decorative baths are too deep, but you can put rocks in the bottom to give smaller birds a better platform. You can get as fancy as you want including attaching misters that
With a variety of birds visiting feeders in the summer, you can be specific about the kinds of birds you want to attract with the type of food you leave out. If you like finches and want them to visit, try using special feeders designed for them. These feeders have a small opening which dispenses nyger (also called thistle), a tiny black seed. Only finches have bills small enough to access these seeds, and an added bonus is that squirrels probably wont wreak havoc in your yard trying to get at it as they typically don’t like this seed.
If you love Orioles, you might be pleased to know that not only are they orange….they love eating oranges! An easy way to attract orioles is to cut an orange in half and stick a branch
If Hummingbirds are on your list of birds to attract, their needs are a little more complicated but not too much work. They love nectar, and you can give it to them in two basic ways — by using a hummingbird feeder or providing nectar producing plants. Hummingbird feeders come in a variety of shapes and prices, but they all dispense sugar water out of holes the hummingbirds visit. You can either make your own sugar water (4 parts water to one part sugar, boil for 5
If you like hummers, consider planting wildflowers. Most gardening stores have plants and seeds that are labeled attractive to hummingbirds. The best flowers are tube-shaped and bright red. Favorite flowers may be more effective at attracting hummingbirds than feeders, but a combination of both is a great idea!
Whichever birds you love watching in your backyard, summer is a wonderful time to see them up close. So, try a variety of different seeds and water sources and see who stops by for a visit. And don’t forget to have your binoculars and camera handy nearby for the perfect view.
Want to know which birds are visiting your feeders? Our Wild About Birds! iPhone/iPad app can help you find out. |