Our Nestcam list is really growing! We have an adorable fluffy Bermuda Petrel chick hatched March 10. Great viewing at night. And a growing but still fluffy Albatross chick you won’t want to miss seeing. Bald Eagles and Peregrines are beginning to nest. Lots and lots of activity!
- Northern Royal Albatross – New Zealand – Our fluffy chick is getting bigger! Check out the live Cam, but also don’t miss this highlight of the chick making his/her first adult skycall when approached by another chick’s parent.
- Bermuda Petrel – Nonsuch Island – Need a dose of adorable right now? check out this tiny fuzzy chickie in her burrow.
- Bald Eagles – Santa Cruz, CA – Jak and Audacity have had a tough time with their eggs. Audacity has laid a total of 8 eggs, and 7 have broken very quickly.
- Two Harbors Bald Eagles – Catalina Island, CA – Longtime couple Chase and Cholyn have been breeding here since 2003. They now have two eggs!
- Allen’s Hummingbird – Laguna Niguel, CA – Aryana is immersed in nest building!
- Peregrine Falcons – Baltimore, MD – Boh and Barb are long-time nesters on the 33rd floor of the Transamerica Building. One egg so far….might be another by the time you read this!
- Peregrine Falcons in cliff eyrie – Channel Islands, CA – Mr and Mrs A are longtime nesters in this beautiful cliff eyrie.
- Long-eared Owl Winter Roost – Missoula, MT – Watch Long-eared Owls throughout the year. In winter they roost here, but breeding season is about to begin! Keep your eyes on this cam for some activity.
- Mississippi River Flyway Cam – Brice Prairie, WI – Watch as thousands of birds rest up before and during migration at this hotspot. Right now lots of waterfowl and the occasional muskrat.
- West Texas Hummingbird Feeder Cam – Texas – Hummingbirds abound during migration at these feeders. But all sorts of birds may stop by year-round.
- Lesser Flamingos – Kampfers Dam, South Africa – Check out the Lesser Flamingos on their breeding ground and lots of other waders and birds at this globally important biodiversity area.
- Panama Fruit Feeder – Panama Canopy Lodge – Never a dull moment at this terrific feeder!