BirdLife’s Game-changing Global Flyways Launch

BirdLife International’s innovative Global Flyways project protects bird habitat through full migration and lifecycle.  This approach is a conservation game-changer. Here’s why. Migration is one of the most extraordinary and extreme feats in the natural world, and birds take this to unparalleled levels. These incredible travelers cross multiple borders during their migrations, relying on safe […]

Saving Saltmarsh Sparrows

Saltmarshes have long been in the way of “progress”. We’ve torn them out to plant crops, build houses, and drained them. Since they are designed to buffer the land behind them during periods of hurricanes or super high tide inundations, our changes have greatly diminished the beneficial effects we derive from them. And saltmarshes are the only […]

Free Access: BirdLife’s Spectacle of Migration Issue

Bird migration is one of nature’s most awe-inspiring phenomena. Across eight major global flyways, birds navigate diverse terrains, face unique challenges, and cover vast distances. Many of the birds we see during nesting season spend the majority of their time migrating or overwintering in distant places. But we can help them locally when they are […]

BirdCams Now

It’s a great time to be watching birds nest and go about their business. Check out some of these birdcams from the US, Panama, Bermuda, South Africa and New Zealand. There are plenty of birds around the world to keep you busy! Bermuda Petrel – Nonsuch Island, Bermuda – The cahow pair has their one […]

What’s the Atlantic Forest?

  Welcome to the Atlantic Forest! Join our Brassy-breasted Tanager (our coverbird)  and 190 other endemic birds who call this biodiversity icon home. A dense, stunning South American forest habitat that used to span nearly 350 million acres in Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay, now just 12% of this unique climate-mitigating South American forest remains. Despite […]

Can a Veery Predict the Hurricane Season?

Those tiny, 30-gram, brown birds with the enchanting song have more talents than they are typically given credit for. A recent scientific study shows these little birds can anticipate the strength of the upcoming hurricane season, giving them an advantage they sorely need during dangerous and taxing migrations. Research shows that over two decades the birds were […]

What Is MOTUS Wildife Tracking?

    Birds are mobile. This makes them often very difficult to keep track of, and in turn, learn more about. Finding out as many details of behavior, populations, nesting and overwintering locations and migratory routes is critical for scientists to know what areas to protect and which birds use them. Enter MOTUS Wildlife Tracking System. Created in 2014 […]

Wildtones Nature Sounds in Biomuseo

If you want to see amazing birds, Panama is a great place to find them! The Darien region along the Colombian border is also possibly the wildest spot in Panama. And with that remoteness comes a lot of biodiversity. The Frank Gehry-designed Biomuseo in Panama City currently has a temporary exhibit of biodiversity in the Darien […]