Making Glass Safer for Birds

Over a billion birds die from hitting glass every year, like this young Rose-breasted Grosbeak. Birds in flight see the trees, buildings, or open space which is behind them reflected in the glass they are flying toward and see it as a safe passage. This doesn’t have to happen. Birds, like us, can see the […]

BirdNote: Making Cities Safer For Migrating Birds

  Many birds that migrate through our cities spend most of their lives in boreal forests or other wild places with little knowledge of the manmade structures they need to navigate around when they migrate at night. Adding to this, many buildings are brightly lit, sending confusing signals to migratory birds, and making an already dangerous […]

What We Learned from Flaco

Flaco, the huge Eurasian Eagle Owl who escaped from the Central Park Zoo when vandals cut the wires of his cage in early 2023 is dead. After one year of learning to hunt, survive alone in an urban environment, and captivating audiences every day, he collided with a window on a westside building while flying and […]

HELPING BIRDS: New York City Passes Bird Safe Glass Building Law

NYC Glass Buildings Photo Credit: Deborah Rivel Just this month, New York City passed a bill which mandates bird-safe windows on all new construction as well as during major building retrofits in the city.  This is incredibly important because up to one billion birds every year are killed by hitting glass windows. And having a bill like this in […]