BirdLife’s Game-changing Global Flyways Launch

BirdLife International’s innovative Global Flyways project protects bird habitat through full migration and lifecycle.  This approach is a conservation game-changer. Here’s why. Migration is one of the most extraordinary and extreme feats in the natural world, and birds take this to unparalleled levels. These incredible travelers cross multiple borders during their migrations, relying on safe […]

Saving Saltmarsh Sparrows

Saltmarshes have long been in the way of “progress”. We’ve torn them out to plant crops, build houses, and drained them. Since they are designed to buffer the land behind them during periods of hurricanes or super high tide inundations, our changes have greatly diminished the beneficial effects we derive from them. And saltmarshes are the only […]

Creating Shorebird Stopovers

  The Pacific Flyway, which runs along the Pacific coast of the Americas is a heavily used migratory pathway for shorebirds – some of which migrate many thousands of miles twice annually. These birds rely on stopover sites to rest and refuel during their long journeys. However, over the past 150 years, many of these […]

Extreme Seabird Migrations

  Flyways are ancient aerial highways all migrating land and shore birds use globally to move between overwintering and breeding locations every year.  There are eight major flyways over land around the globe. But did you know that over the high seas, there are also Marine Flyways? Seabirds like petrels, albatross and terns are pelagic birds […]

What’s the Atlantic Forest?

  Welcome to the Atlantic Forest! Join our Brassy-breasted Tanager (our coverbird)  and 190 other endemic birds who call this biodiversity icon home. A dense, stunning South American forest habitat that used to span nearly 350 million acres in Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay, now just 12% of this unique climate-mitigating South American forest remains. Despite […]