Your Bird and Wildlife-Safe Backyard: Non-toxic Weed Killers


Monarch Butterflies
Photo Credit: Deborah Rivel



What’s good for birds is good for people. And this applies also to the products we use in our gardens. Keeping your garden safe for birds and other wildlife will also keep you and your neighbors safe from toxic chemicals which can enter the water system and may remain in the soil for many years. That said, getting rid of weeds without using chemical defoliants may take a little creativity. We found some terrific ideas about how to remove weeds without using chemicals. They range from the obvious (do it by hand) to a variety of other suggestions – most using things easily found around the house that aren’t toxic and won’t damage the habitat you are creating. So, put a pot of water on the stove and read this terrific article from the originators of DIY – Good Housekeeping.