What kind of birds are around in February?
There are always beautiful ducks still pairing off for the season, but often the water is frozen over and they are offshore in the open ocean making it difficult to see them. But February can be an ideal time to see Bald eagles as at that time of year they are in every state in the US except Hawaii. When it is really cold and the fresh water freezes, Bald Eagles comes from all over to visit spots that have open running water so they can fish. It’s one of the few times you can see a bird which was once an endangered species, and often considered a solitary and shy bird, congregating in sometimes pretty large numbers. You can see Bald eagles perched along the water’s edge in the trees watching for movement in the water so they can grab a meal. Sometimes, they are floating on chunks of ice down the river. While it is always a wonderful surprise to see any Bald eagles, if you want to see them in numbers, look for open water in a frozen wooded area and you may have the chance to see multiples of this majestic bird.
If you’re up for a trip outside, here are a few spots in the US to view Bald eagles:
The Klamath Basin, on the California-Oregon border, has the largest number of wintering bald eagles in the continental US with as many as 1,000 eagles during January and February. Many of the birds are visible from the Lower Klamath and Tule Lake auto tours. Call the Klamath Basin National Wildlife Refuge at (530) 667-2231
Nelson Dewey State Park in Cassville, Wisconsin, where there are a lot of Bald eagles December through February on the open water below the locks and dams. Visit the park and head for the bluffs. Call them at 888-947-2757.
New York’s Hudson River And Sullivan County is less than 2 hours outside of NYC, but is a great place to spot wintering eagles. Blinds are located at Mongaup Reservoir and at Minisink Ford locations. Contact the Hudson River Foundation, (212) HUDSON. For information about Sullivan County’s eagles, call The Eagle Institute at (845) 557-6162.
Watching eagles means being respectful of them. Winter is a time when food is hard to come by, so here are some things you are encouraged to do for the eagles’ sake:
* Remain in or near your vehicle at roadside viewing locations.
* Move quickly and quietly to observation blinds, where you can remain hidden from view while watching the eagles.
* Avoid loud noises, such as yelling, car door slamming, horn honking and unnecessary movement.
* Use binoculars and a spotting scope instead of trying to get “a little bit closer.”
* Don’t do anything to try to make the eagle fly.
Source: Delaware Highlands Conservancy