Pileated Woodpecker Bird Call
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One of North America's largest woodpeckers, the size of these birds and their striking appearance with flaming red crested head, sets them apart from any other woodpecker in their territory.  Their excavating work in dead trees which they need to find food, provides nest holes for other birds.  If you have property with dead trees or logs on it, consider keeping them in place if they are not potentially dangerous, as Pileated Woodpeckers rely on dead and rotting wood to find food.  Carpenter ants are their main food source, and you can tell if Pileated Woodpeckers are in your area both by their loud calls and by the square shape of the holes in the dead wood.  Our Pileated ringtone would be especially effective as an alarm or alert.
Northern Saw Whet Owl Hoot iPhone Ringtone
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The Northern Saw-whet Owl is a small, secretive owl. Its favorite food is deer mice, and it usually gets two meals out of a single mouse. Its call is a clear, pure whistle, that sounds much like a human doing a repeated, tooting whistle. Since they are quite fond of evergreens, Christmas tree farms are a popular place to find Saw-whet owls.
Carolina Chickadee Bird Call iPhone Ringtone
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All chickadees seem to share the same curiosity and enthusiasm, and Carolina Chickadees are no exception. These active little birds are also loyal to their mates, with many of them remaining in pairs for years. We can thank them for doing a superb job of insect control as they are eager gleaners of spiders and other insects. If you have a native plant garden or meadow, these birds will be regular visitors. They also will visit feeders and are especially fond of sunflower seeds and cracked corn.In winter, you can find Carolina Chickadees in flocks. Within these flocks, the birds live under a ranking system with the highest ranking members able to nest within the flock's range. Mated pairs look for a cavity or appropriate nest box where the female builds the nest and sleeps in the box or cavity during the season, while the male sleeps on a sheltered branch nearby. These are interesting little birds to watch. Their pretty little call is a good way to know that you are in the presence of a Carolina Chickadee.
Dark Eyed Junco Bird Call iPhone Ringtones
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Our first true bird of winter is the Dark-eyed junco. These medium-sized sparrows have an overall gray or dark brown appearance with a white belly and a pink bill. They spend their summer breeding along the western mountains and well into Canada and then as the weather gets colder, they invade North American backyards by the thousands. Spending much of their time on the ground, they hop around the bases of trees or underneath feeders looking for fallen seeds. If you keep your feeders full throughout the winter, there will most likely be a flock of Dark-eyed juncos in your yard! These pretty slate gray harbingers of winter have a loud yet very sweet sounding call.
Eastern Towhee Bird Call iPhone Ringtone
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If you hear "drink your teeeeaaa" coming from a field edge or a scrubby area, you are hearing the call of one of North America's largest and most beautiful sparrows. The Eastern towhee doent look at all like a sparrow - colorful and plump - but they exhibit sparrow behavior like scratching on the ground in leaf litter for fruits, nuts and insects. If you live in the Eastern US, when its warm you may find an Eastern towhee coming out of the dense brush to get to the cracked corn at your feeder.
Great Horned Owl Hoot Bird Call iPhone Ringtone
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The Tiger of the Sky is a mighty predator, even killing osprey and other owls. It is the widest ranging of all owls in North America, and is often harassed by flocks of crows. This owl's hoot is a familiar sound from the woods and makes a great ringtone.  WHAT OUR CUSTOMERS SAY 
House Finch Song iPhone Ringtone
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Originally a native of the American Southwest, wild caught House Finches were caged and illegally sold as "Hollywood Finches" to the early 20th Century pet trade. When a few were set loose in the East in the early 1940's, they did extremely well. And now the lovely song of this little "exotic species" is one of the harbingers of Springtime throughout the US. Recognized by his bright red head and irrepressible desire to sing during breeding season, the highly adaptable House Finch is now found on feeders and in urban areas around the country.
House Wren Song iPhone Ringtone
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House Wrens are plain brown birds with a bubbly, beautiful song. They will readily nest in a nest box, but you can find them all sorts of other strange places. House Wrens will build a nest in rubber tires, Christmas wreaths and even old boots. WHAT OUR CUSTOMERS SAY 
Mallard Duck Quacking iPhone Ringtone
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The Mallard duck is found in freshwater lakes and streams all across North America. This male has the gorgeous green iridescent head for which Mallards are known. The females are much less flashy and their brown feathers blend in well as they incubate the eggs and care for their ducklings. This mallard duck quack ringtone makes a great message alert.
Mourning Dove Call iPhone Ringtone
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The soulful cooing of the mourning dove is a familiar sound through the US, Canada and into Mexico. Their nests are generally poorly constructed, and it often a wonder their eggs hatch at all! The male stands on the female's back and gives her nest materials which some say accounts for the untidy look of the nest. When these doves fly, their wings make a whistling noise. This cooing morning dove ringtone is a familiar sound.
Northern Cardinal Call iPhone Ringtone
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This cheerful bright red bird is the state bird in 7 US states: IL, IN, KY, NC, OH, VA, WV. It is a beautiful and common feeder bird which has extended its range north in the last hundred years. And not just the males sing - females sometimes sing from the nest! Are they giving their mate their dinner order? This ringtone is the familiar melodious cardinal song.
Northern Flicker Bird Call iPhone Ringtone
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FLICKA FLICKA FLICKA FLICKA! That's the sound of the Northern Flicker! The Northern Flicker is a type of woodpecker, but it looks very different from most other woodpeckers. Northern Flickers are about the size of an American Robin and males have a red mark on their faces that almost looks like a mustache. Their white rump patch is another distinguishing field mark easily seen in flight. Like many other woodpeckers, Northern Flickers can be heard drumming or hammering wood in search of soft grubs and other insects. Unlike most other woodpeckers, flickers are frequently seen hopping around on the ground looking for their favorite food, ants and beetles.
Red-tailed Hawk Call iPhone Ringtone
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The most common hawk in the US, this large hawk is a familiar sight throughout North America and can be found in cities as well as in rural areas. Efficient hunters, they prefer to hunt from a perch and pounce on rodents and small mammals. They are best known for their red colored tails and there are numerous geographic variations in color. Many people are passionate about these hawks, and some of the more famous ones, like Pale Male who has taken up residence in a fashionable area of New York City, have become icons in the clash between humans and animals. They are monogamous and mate for life.
Red-winged Blackbird Call iPhone Ringtone
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This vocal songbird is notable for the male's bright red epaulettes and distinctive song. Found liberally throughout the US in marshy and agricultural areas, the flashy males are polygamous and may have many females with nests throughout their territory. But, not all the chicks from these females are his - many are by males from adjacent territories! Get the red-winged blackbird ringtone for your cellphone.
Ring-necked Pheasant Call iPhone Ringtone
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It's hard to believe that this bird is not native to North America and Europe, but they were introduced from Asia as game for hunting and it is believed thy were brought to the UK as early as the 11th C. Known in Europe as the Common Pheasant, their numbers are declining as they nest on the ground in deep field cover and their nests are often destroyed by farming. As a result, many populations of these pheasants are artificially maintained by captive introductions. During the breeding season, the males have a harem which they defend from other males - sometimes in pitched battles.
Rose-breasted Grosbeak Bird Call iPhone Ringtone
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If you see this gorgeous black and white bird with a scarlet chest at your feeder, it's a Rose-breasted grosbeak. You may first know he is around by his equally beautiful song. These birds arrive in late Spring from Central and South America, and some continue migrating through the US into northern Canada to nest. These birds are named for their thick ("gros" in French) beaks which can handle seeds, insects and fruit. They are often found in wooded areas and if you are lucky enough to have one of these birds at your feeder, keep it stocked with sunflower seeds and raw peanuts if you want them to stick around. Their lovely song is similar to a Robin's lilting sound, but considered to be even more sweet and beautiful.  
Song Sparrow Call iPhone Ringtone
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Found in backyards across the US and Canada, this songbird has a delightful and unique song. This mostly monogamous sparrow has a mating ritual where the male pounces near the female to get her attention. While they can live to over 11 years, most wild sparrows do not see even their first birthday. But, those song sparrows who do live through the winter, continue to delight us year after year with their beautiful songs. Capture the song sparrow's tune as a ringtone for your cellphone.
Tufted Titmouse Call iPhone Ringtone
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These cute little birds with the fluffy tuft on top of their heads, frequent bird feeders in the eastern United States and are easy to identify. Their backs and heads are plain grey, and their bellies are cream colored with a flush of rose on their flanks. And of course, the tiny little pointed grey caps are where they get the “tufted” part of their name. Today, the Tufted Titmouse is a common sight in many northern states, happily jumping around backyards throughout the winter. But 25 years ago things were different. Tufted Titmice, Northern Cardinals and several other bird species have expanded northward as our winters have become milder. Peter peter peter peter peter!That’s the sound of a Tufted Titmouse.  
White-throated Sparrow Call iPhone Ringtone
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Some people think this bird is singing Oh Sweet Canada, Canada, Canada which is where they breed almost exclusively. This is a familiar singing sparrow whose white throat and yellow patches in front of his eyes are his distinguishing features.
White-winged Crossbill Bird Call iPhone Ringtone
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These gorgeous finches are boreal forest inhabitants and are designed to retrieve the heavily protected seeds of white pines with unusual beaks precisely adapted to this. The upper mandible is much longer than the lower, and they cross one another. This enables the bird to pry open pinecones and easily remove the seeds hidden deep inside. In fact, these birds are so well designed to eat these seeds that they may eat 3000 of them in one day!  If you are unsure from a distance what finch you are looking at, just listen as White-winged Crossbills have a lovely and unmistakable song.
Wild Turkey Gobble iPhone Ringtone
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Wild turkeys in the 19th century were hunted almost to extinction, but are making a comeback. Some native American tribes refused to hunt the birds because they consider them stupid and were afraid of acquiring the same characteristic after eating them! These birds are polygamous, and the male uses his fanned tail and the gobble in this ringtone to attract females to his "harem".
Canada Goose iPhone Ringtone
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As you can hear in this ringtone, with the deepest of all goose voices, the Canada Goose has a distinctive look and is found all over North America, the UK and Northern Europe. Some birds stay in one place all year (like your local golf course maybe?) and some migrate between breeding grounds and wintering areas. Birds who are not breeding often go to a safe northerly place to molt.
Canada Goose Bird Call iPhone Ringtone
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As you can hear in this ringtone, with the deepest of all goose voices, the Canada Goose has a distinctive look and is found all over North America, the UK and Northern Europe. Some birds stay in one place all year (like your local golf course maybe?) and some migrate between breeding grounds and wintering areas. Birds who are not breeding often go to a safe northerly place to molt.
Red-Bellied Woodpecker Bird Call iPhone Ringtone
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Blue Jay Bird Call iPhone Ringtone
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Brown Thrasher Song iPhone Ringtone
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Brown-headed Cowbird Bird Call iPhone Ringtone
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Cape May Warbler Bird Call iPhone Ringtone
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Chipping Sparrow Bird Call iPhone Ringtone
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Common Raven Bird Call iPhone Ringtone
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Common Redpoll Bird Call iPhone Ringtone
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Nearly every other winter, the Common Redpoll is a welcome winter visitor to backyard feeders. Shortages of seed crops in the northern forest cause massive flocks of redpolls to move south, invading bird feeders across the Northeast. The redpoll is a small-headed brown and white bird, with streaky sides, a red forehead, and black around a yellow bill. It’s easy to mistake a Redpoll for a similar-looking House Finch, but no other finch has black around the bill on the face. Often seen in groups, Redpolls can sometimes “take over” your bird feeders with flocks numbering more than a hundred individuals! You can attract Redpolls to your yard by offering fresh niger (thistle) seed in multiple finch feeders during the winter months.
Great Tailed Grackle Bird Call iPhone Ringtone
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Hairy Woodpecker Bird Call iPhone Ringtone
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Northern Mockingbird Bird Call iPhone Ringtone
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American Goldfinch Bird Song iPhone Ringtone
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Red-Breasted Nuthatch Bird Call iPhone Ringtone
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Yellow Warbler Bird Song iPhone Ringtone
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There are few warbler species quite as brilliantly colored as the Yellow Warbler. Males tend to have orange streaks on the breast and both males and females have yellow patches on their tails. They are typically found along the edges of wetlands where they like to build their nests. Long distance migrants, they travel from Canada to South America every year. Yellow Warblers face many challenges along the way and have been known to even become entangled in the web of an orb weaver spider. Their song is a perfect ringtone as they say, “sweet-sweet-sweet-I’m-so-sweet”.
Acorn Woodpecker Bird Call iPhone Ringtone
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This social woodpecker with a red head and white face is found in the northwest and southwest US and into Mexico. Their complex life in large groups is not the only thing that makes them different from other woodpeckers. Acorn Woodpeckers are known for caching huge numbers of acorns in holes they drill into trees. They typically choose one large tree which becomes their larder and is known as the “granary” where they will store tens of thousands of acorns. But their preferred food is insects. They live in family groups in which the juveniles stay for several years. Their populations have been stable, but the loss of oak forests and domestic herd overgrazing in their territories, combined with competition with aggressive non-native European Starlings are affecting their ability to maintain their numbers.  
American Crow iPhone Ringtone
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The sound of these big black crows "cawing" is a familiar one throughout the US and Canada. Young crows are a parent's nightmare as they stay with their family until they find their own home which can take up to five years. Some crow families have 15 members living together!
American Kestrel Bird Call iPhone Ringtone
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At only 9 inches long, the American Kestrel (Falco sparverius) aka "sparrowhawk", is North America's smallest and most colorful falcon. The male and female look similar, but the male is more colorful, with blue on his wings and head. Like all raptors, the female is larger than the male.Found in meadows, fields, and open grassland, American Kestrels are often seen perched on a wire or fencepost, hunting for small insects and mammals such as grasshoppers, mice, voles, and occasionally small birds.Kestrels are cavity nesters, using an old woodpecker hole or bird house for their 4-6 eggs. Around May, the eggs hatch and both parents incubate their eggs and feed the young. These elegant raptors have a limited number of calls, and the most familiar is this high-pitched kee!
American Robin iPhone Ringtone
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Robins are the most common of all thrushes found in the US. Often associated with the first sign of spring, many of them actually spend the entire year in one place. Growing bushes near your home that have fruits and berries will help hungry robins through the winter. This lilting robin ringtone will give you a musical reminder of spring all year round.
Baltimore Oriole Bird Song iPhone Ringtone
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Look high in the trees to see this stunning songbird. With a bright orange and black body, and spectacular song, the males are heard and seen in leafy forests in the spring and summer east of the US Rocky Mountains. The Baltimore oriole is a weaver bird, and the more subdued looking females weave long sack-like nests that hang from tree branches, safe from predators. Baltimore orioles have a really distinctive song. It's one of our spring favorites -- make it your iPhone ringtone.
Barred Owl Hoot iPhone Ringtone
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If you hear "who cooks for you, who cooks for you" in the middle of the night in the forest, chances are you are hearing a Barred owl. Opportunistic hunters, Barred owls will prey on rodents, birds and even crayfish  which occasionally gives them pinkish color in their feathers.
Black-capped Chickadee Call iPhone Ringtone
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Chickadees are energetic and acrobatic little birds. Their large head with a little black cap, and small body makes them appear almost round. Their tails are long and narrow, and their bills are short and thick. And, they have a distinctive call -- "chicka-dee-dee-dee."  Chickadees love black oil sunflower seeds, so keep your feeders stocked with these and wait for the chickadees to arrive! WHAT OUR CUSTOMERS SAY
Burrowing Owl Bird Call iPhone Ringtone
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These small, long-legged, ground dwelling owls can be found from Canada into Central America. Burrowing owls actually live underground in holes which have mostly been dug by other animals. They eat small reptiles and insects, including scorpions, and are inhabitants of dry open areas from Canada into Central America. While they are not endangered as a species, their numbers are declining, and they are endangered in some areas. Their greatest threats are being hit by cars and prairie dog control programs. They have a wonderful two note song.